
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Are you ready?

Just a thought, and personal reminder, that I thought I'd share...inshallah if it is of benefit, it is solely from Allah (SWT)...

Reflecting on all that is recently occuring in the world I have had to step back and reconsider myself and who I am. I mean, "what if" I were a Libyan and randomly got shot by Ghaddafi's crusaders? Or, "what if" I was in Japan when the tsunami hit or lived near the nuclear reactors? "What if", as I'm driving home, a drunk driver smashes into my car and causes a fatal accident?

The world is riveted with "what if's" and in every day, in every moment, in every situation, it is our duty as the slaves to Allah (SWT) to have our mouths moistened with dhiker. That "if" we were to expire in the next moment, the final words on our mouths would be of praising Allah most high...but do we do this? Do I do this? Am I guilty of being in constant dhiker? I try...but hard enough? I haven't. And that's honesty.

The truth is, it shouldn't take the disasters of the world or the misfortunes around us to remind us, or even scare us, to consider that this dunya is simply a holding place. The Akhira is our final destination, inchallah. Every day, every moment, we are given a beautiful opportunity from Allah (SWT) to strive for our place in his Jennah...but are we striving?

The beauty of our glorious faith is that whether in this moment, or ever in our lives, the answer is no, it matters not. What matters is who we choose to become and the sincere actions we take in becoming.

If the world were to end for you the next hour...are you ready?
(written March 18, 2011)

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